Tuesday, May 3, 2016

12 Essential Life Lessons From One Guilty Little Pleasure

Here's my question for you:  

Do you have a secret guilty pleasure?

I have a confession to share and here's a hint...it's not chocolate.  

You see, I'm an incurable romantic.  For me, a beautifully executed Viennese Waltz is the epitome of romance and perfection with its rise and fall, whirling and twirling. 

(Promise there is something here for all the guys reading this too...so don't check out on me just because you see chocolate bonbons and dancing!)

Learning to waltz for our wedding didn’t go quite the way I thought it would.  

There is nothing romantic about learning a new skill and trying to perfect it for an audience when you have a looming deadline hanging over your head.  (Did I really just associate my wedding date with a ‘looming deadline?'). 

To this day, I struggle with the 'Let Him Lead' lesson.

My husband and I should have clued in when our instructors extended their disclaimer on that first day of classes that the fees for divorce lawyers weren’t included in the fees for dancing lessons.  

Want to torture test your newly formed relationship?  

Try some ballroom dancing lessons.  You'll be amazed at what comes up for both of you.  

It was a grueling year with a lot of learning - both inside AND outside of the dancing studio.  Thankfully, our partnership withstood it.  

Those lessons of persisting and teamwork prepared us for the mountains that lay ahead:  Children.  Two rounds of Cancer. (Yikes...I just put those two together too!)

But let's dive in.

There is something that can absolutely transport me away from the busy schedule of juggling the house, the family, the gym and the pressing deadlines of my business.  

Don’t get me wrong…I absolutely LOVE all if it…but a little indulgence sweetens up the experience of LIFE! Luxuries I’m willing to afford myself, now and then.  

And who doesn’t love a guilty little pleasure, anyway? 

So here it is:  

I am unabashedly addicted to Dancing with the Stars.   

There.  I admitted it. 

It’s true that my ballroom dancing experience is very limited.  

It is plenty enough to know that these contestants pull off miracles every week.  

A couple seasons back, one competitor couldn't hear the music!  

That blows my mind.  Ladies, I mean it when I say that watching just Nyle DiMarco's episodes alone is entirely worth the time ;)

Our household has four kids between the ages of twelve and fifteen.  (Yes, I have twins.)  These days, my daughter and three sons cannot agree on much of anything, let alone what to watch on television.  

Thankfully, DWTS has something entertaining for everyone.  Even my husband, who rarely watches TV, can find something of interest:

Gorgeous, perfectly-sculpted feminine athletes clad in micro-mini, sequined costumes gives a whole new meaning to

‘Shiny Object Syndrome.’  

I’m thinking poetry in motion.  He’s thinking sex on hardwood.  
Sigh…I did say Guilty Little Pleasures, right?

Dancing, poetry and pageantry aside, the show also has all the teaching opportunities any life coach, or parent could possibly dream of.  

Here’s just a few:

Don’t be afraid to try something newwe really do only get ONE SHOT at this life!

If you’re going to do somethingjump in with both feet - Do It Big!  Strive for Excellence.

Anyone can achieve excellence.  It takes practice, commitment & then, more practice. 

Life isn’t fair (some of us are born deaf and can’t hear the music) but that doesn’t mean ‘don’t dance’- Go ahead, give whatever it is that lights you up your best shot! 

Have a positive, winning attitude.  Our attitude is our choice - even when life isn’t fair. Especially when life isn’t fair.

Mistakes happen. These opportunities for growth and learning refine us, not define us. 

Success is a journey.  It requires consistent, persistent effort.  Never give up on your goals.

Competition is healthy.  Dare to win.  It’s awesome.  Celebrate it when you do!

Celebrate ALL wins - yours and your competitors’ to create an inclusive, positive environment.

Losing or Failing is part of life.  Learn to do it graciously.

Be CoachableYour best chance for success is to follow someone who’s already successful.

All this and more makes the DWTS hour one of heartwarming inspiration and entertainment for the whole family.  

My sons may start trying to convince me that they are just too cool, but it doesn't take long for the protesting to stop. Two words:  Whitney Carson.  

See...I promised there was something for everyone!

The final, vitally important takeaway, evident with each episode of my guilty little pleasure is a lesson that I hope doesn’t require a near-death experience for you (like it did for me) to finally learn:  

    with this life!    

Written By:
Andrea Raco, Certified Professional Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, Creator of 'Your Masterpiece Life' ~ a program designed to help you build the life you love, curator of Gold Key Club and Coach For Life Connections, Wife, Mom of 4, Breast Cancer Survivor and lover of LIFE.  

Would you like to showcase your success story?  

I'd love to help you craft and share your story so more people can hear from you.  

Drop me a note: andrea@coachforlife.ca and we'll get started.