Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Feasts & Festivities & How To Avoid Overeating This Holiday Season

I have to admit it:  The holidays stress me out.  

One minute it’s “Happy Thanksgiving” and the next minute it’s “Happy Holidays.”  

As the temperatures drop and the stores get a little crazy, so do our schedules.  

If you’re anything like me, scratching all the items off the “To Do” list is virtually impossible before Santa’s Big Night.  

And then, there's the FEASTING to think about. 

I’ve struggled with weight and body issues since childhood and when the time crunch is on, the very first list item to get shuffled to the bottom of the list is my trip to the gym.  

Add in all the delicious holiday treats, parties, gatherings and dining options, and it’s safe to say that the season to be jolly brings on a jolly added belt hole and some serious anxiety along with those gifts under the tree. 

Between Friend & Family gatherings to friendly workplace potlucks and shopping in the malls, there are opportunities galore to blow the calorie budget with another tempting treat.  

I find myself in numerous positions where I'm faced with making a choice between a special sweet delicious treat and sticking to my health goals and oftentimes, around the holidays, it’s easy to throw restraint out the back door and give in to temptation when guests arrive through the front door bearing all kinds of tasty treats to eat.

Mindless eating, less sleeping, added stress, and traveling to visit this family member or that friend likely take their toll on you too.  

These tips have helped me make it through the holidays without breaking the scale once the ball has dropped to ring in the New Year:

Put Yourself at The Top of the List

Start the mornings of your holidays on a peaceful and healthful note.  

What's most important to you?  
A workout or a walk outside? 

Maybe it's yoga for you or a date with your journal or even just a peaceful meditation to set the tone for the day.  

Another strategy that helps me focus is to set intentions for the day.  

My next step is to pick 1 thing that's a priority to get done that day.  (Usually, it's to make sure I slip my workout in for the day.)  

Anticipate Saboteurs

There’s always one or two relatives concerned with what’s on your plate or what's missing from it.  

Make a choice for your health by simply declining offers for unwanted food politely and graciously.  

Bring a nutritious and delicious dish or two to the party.  

This is a great way to support your health and the health of those you love.  PLUS, there's the added bonus of satisfying anyone out to sabotage your efforts to stay true to your health goals.

Create an Unforgettable Atmosphere

Move the focus away from the food and toward the opportunity for everyone to visit and catch up.

Be an exceptional host and make your event extraordinary by playing to all the senses.   
  • Gorgeous decorating for the eyes
  • Luxurious scents to tantalize
  • Music that touches the soul or puts a tap to your toes
If you’re hosting, pull out all the beautiful serving ware that rarely sees the light of day, those gorgeous heirloom pieces, and the beautiful crystal stemware.  

Enjoy the experience and the beauty all around you. 

Your guests will feel cherished.  

Remove Distractions

Yep, I do mean turn OFF the devices.  

I know it’s tough, but if you’re hosting, you get to make up the rules!  No email, Facebook, Twitter, no Instagram, and so on.  Of course, everyone will want to be taking pictures with their phones, so I'd only pull out the 'No Selfie' rule if you absolutely must.  

Scrolling through feeds makes it impossible to really connect with the people around you and steals away the opportunity for guests to appreciate how beautiful the atmosphere is,  incredibly delicious the foods are and how wonderful the company is.  

Keeping the focus on the people who are actually in the room shows respect for everyone there. 

Be Intentional With Food Choices

Rather than just picking at this or that, be intentional about what you choose to eat.  

It’s easy to lose track of what you’ve eaten when you’re sampling all the treats being passed around on the trays.  

Be mindful and choose carefully.  Take a peek at all of the choices before deciding what to add to your plate.  

By getting a sense of what’s available, you’ll avoid heaping on excess mounds of offerings that don’t completely blow your mind because you didn’t realize the mind-blowing items were at the end of the buffet. 

Don't Skip the Ruffage & Protein

Absolutely indulge in those rare dishes that your family treasures.  

Those family favourites are often the best part of holiday festivities.  

By adding in the salad and fiber along with your meat option, you’ll feel fuller faster and stay satisfied longer  - keeping you on track with your health goals.

Make Up a Lunceon Plate 

Using a smaller luncheon plate rather than a full-sized dinner plate for your meal is an invaluable trick.  This strategy fools you into feeling satisfied quicker and makes you feel like you've had a very full meal, even though it's a smaller one.  
  • Keep an eye on your serving sizes and decide that one helping will do
  • Fill the plate with the choices that appeal to you the most
  • Then sit down and savour every tasty bite

Remove Yourself From Temptation

Physically sit away from the food. Beyond arm's length is great.  If you can’t reach it, you can’t add more items to your plate and you’ll avoid munching mindlessly. 

Completely out of eyeshot is even better.  (Out of sight, out of mind, right?) 

By sitting far away, you’re forced to make a conscious decision to go back to the buffet.


Water is a beautiful thing for your body.  By quenching your thirst first, you may find you're not quite as hungry or that you're satisfied sooner as you eat your meal.  

Another trick to enjoy the entire gathering is to stagger your alcohol consumption with a glass of water between each drink.  Not only will you stay hydrated, but you'll also avoid inebriation.  

Slow Down & Chew

It seems like a simple trick, but it’s easy to rush through your meal with all the excitement of the holidays.  Take your time. Better still, put your fork down between bites. 

Chew carefully, and enjoy all the flavours and textures of the treats you’ve chosen for yourself.  Your tummy doesn’t have teeth, so it’s up to you.  

This strategy will likely lead you to feel satiated with less food, saving you unnecessary extra calories.   

Pay Attention to Your Hunger Level 

Be aware of how hungry you are as you're eating.  

Finish your meal before reaching the feeling of being stuffed like that holiday turkey.  

There's no reason to finish everything on your plate if you're feeling satiated.  

Enjoy some conversation with your table mates (once you’ve finished chewing, of course), and focus on family and friends instead of feasting.  

Relax and relish the environment.  After all, the holidays only come around once a year.

Now it's your turn...

What do you love best about the holiday season?
What gives you the biggest challenge?

If you'd like some help designing a Health Care ~ Self Care Plan that's right for you, I'd love to chat.  Connect with me to schedule a complimentary 'Your Masterpiece Life' Strategy call - it's entirely FREE and by the end of the call, you'll have
  1. Clarity about what steps to take next
  2. A customized Action Plan
  3. Some Free resources to help you get started

About the Author:

Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, and Curator of Gold Key Club ~ a private community for Ladypreneurs, Supermoms, and Sisters making a difference in the world.

For more information about her services and programs, visit or contact her via e-mail:


  1. Beautifully put and so helpful. I love the holidays for the excitement of family and the connections we have at this time of year.

    1. So happy you enjoyed the post. Always an exciting time of year, but lots of stress and anxiety too.

  2. Thank you for all these great suggestions! Each one can help us manage the Feasts we so love during the Holidays and leave us feeling satisfied without the guilt!

  3. I love Holiday festivities, but it is so hard to eat healthy! Great tips, Andrea!

    1. Happy you enjoyed the tips. Thanks so much for stopping in and reading.
