Friday, June 3, 2022

5 Focus Tips to Immediately Increase Your Productivity


As a collective, we're more distracted today than we've ever been.  

Don't believe me? 
Take a look at people in their cars at stoplights or walking across the street, they're likely staring at their phones.   Try having a conversation with your teenager.  

The internet and our ever-present devices have made it difficult for us to get the most from our time.  
Many lose multiple hours each day to these time-suckers and some find it challenging to get anything significant done in an 8-hour work day, or even worse - get enough sleep each night. 
Our connectedness has had detrimental effects on our lives, making it difficult to dedicate even one continuous, uninterrupted hour of time to a project at work or our full, undivided attention to family members we love.  
As a mom of four teens with a household to maintain, a business to grow, multiple projects on the go at once, and deadlines to meet, I often multitasked my way through the day with one eye on my smartphone.
The Results: Little progress on ANY of those fronts, high-stress levels, a crabby disposition, difficulty sleeping, and eventually...breast cancer.
A radical change needed to be made. 
According to computer science professor, Cal Newport, 
Deep Work is a professional activity performed in a state of distraction-free concentration that pushes our cognitive capabilities to their limit
I decided to implement this strategy in my life - and fit some self-care into my schedule too.
What I've learned is that shifting from being distracted during work to operating in a 'Deep Work' state makes a massive difference.  
The Results: Actually making progress with projects and having something to show for my efforts at the end of the day.  Feeling like I'm winning each day rather than getting further and further behind.
Here's what I've found that's worked and how to implement this success principle in your life:

Have A Plan - Schedule It

What's the 1 priority that absolutely must get done that day?  
What are 2 other important things that would be great if they got done?
  1. Schedule those into 45-minute focus sessions planned out in the morning and afternoon.  
  2. Schedule 15-minute breaks between each and an hour break for lunch.  
Here's how to implement this strategy into your day: 

Unless there's an emergency or some other life-threatening urgency that pops up, (got kids???) commit to focusing ONLY on the 1 task until either it's completed or the 45 minutes run out.

Do not look at e-mails, scroll social media, google search your next vacation destination, or answer notification pings during the session. Ignore the phone - let it go to voicemail, you can handle it later.  
To be completely honest, when I first began to implement focus sessions into my daily schedule, I thought it'd be restrictive.  
What I found once I made the shift and adjusted, however, was that the structure actually brought a welcome rhythm to my day AND with it, came improved productivity, the promise of progress, and positive results.  
The 15-minute breaks between each focus session also provided a way to add some much-needed self-care into my day:
  • A break from the screen
  • A chance to focus my eyes AWAY from the computer and avoid fatigue headaches
  • An opportunity to get up and stretch
  • Fresh coffee or a glass of water is always a helpful refresh

Avoid Multitasking

When you toggle between tasks you actually waste precious time refocusing and re-engaging in what needs to be done and your overall performance suffers - especially if you're working on complex, high-impact tasks. 
Instead, be singularly focused on immersing yourself in the one task at hand. Completing the item so you can check it off your list and move on to the next one if you have time left in your focus session.
If you get to the end of the session and the item isn't complete and requires more than just a few more minutes, schedule its completion for another focus session, or move it to the next one after your break - rather than continuing on.  
This will help you avoid fatigue and when you come back to it, you'll have a clear mind and will likely be able to wrap up even faster.

Relax & Rejuvenate

Deep work is intense.
It's impossible to sustain it for long periods of time without breaking for a bit of a recovery.  
Be sure to take those breaks between focus sessions, at the end of the work day, and over the weekends too. 
Be sure to dedicate time regularly to participate in activities that make you happy and refresh you. Spend quality time with your loved ones. Pursue hobbies and develop your talents.  
Self-care is important.  Your health is also a priority.  Burnout is a real thing.
Incorporating some self-care strategies into your regular schedule (as in - put time right into your day planner to take care of your physical, mental and spiritual needs) and you'll be a much more balanced and joyful person.
Some suggestions:
  • Journal
  • Practice Gratitude
  • Meditation
  • Visualization
  • Daily Movement
  • Choose food for your health & Hydrate
  • Have a healthy sleep routine   
  • Spend time with your loved ones - and actually focus on them
A regular self-care practice will condition your brain for deep work. Many of these can be done anywhere and only take a few minutes of your time, or can easily be incorporated into your daily routine. 

Start small, 5 minutes of meditation or a brief daily gratitude practice in your journal - just write down 3 things you're thankful for - and then build from there if necessary. 

Our bodies are meant to move.  They are not meant to spend all day, every day sitting at computers, behind steering wheels, and on couches.  A brisk 20-minute walk on your lunch break will do wonders for your mental health and your physical health too.  Just the added fresh air and sunshine will be transformational.  

Consistency is key. A little each day makes a big difference.

Rein In That Phone

I know it's tough, but do not let your phone steal your focus and attention. 
Adjust your settings to get the maximum benefit from this helpful piece of technology without the unnecessary, counterproductive, invasive distractions:
  • Turn off all but critical notifications
  • Turn on Airplane Mode during your deep work sessions
  • Declutter your home screen, keeping only the necessary apps
  • Schedule inbox and social media check-in times right into your daily schedule - and then ONLY engage during those times
  • Avoid mindless scrolling
  • Keep the phone out of your bedroom - don't have it on your nightside table overnight - use a separate alarm source.
This simple focus practice will not only increase your productivity and bring you winning results with your work projects, but it'll also strengthen the relationships you have with your loved ones too. 
When you decide to be fully present with the people who matter most to you, you're giving them the gift of yourself - your undivided attention, your time.  
Make it a habit each day and each weekend to spend some focused, uninterrupted time together as a family, with your partner, with your children, and with other loved ones doing fun things.  Cook a meal together, go for a hike or go to the local museum, park, or beach.  
Have fun.  
After all, we only get one go on this carnival ride.  
Life is too short to spend it glued to a phone.   

A Gift For You
If you'd like some help organizing your schedule to incorporate a Focus Session Strategy that's right for you, I'd be delighted to chat.
Contact me at to schedule a FREE 'Slay Your Time Dragon' Focus Session.
By the end of it, you'll have a clear and customized Action Plan and some helpful resources too.

About the Author

Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, and Curator of Gold Key Club ~ a private community for women making a difference in the world with their unique talents and gifts.

For more information about her services and programs, visit or contact her via e-mail: