Thursday, August 5, 2021

How to Master Your Mental Health & Up the Bliss Factor In Your Life


Mental Health? Check!

These past 24+ months have been pretty challenging, which is why it's so important to be mindful of the warning signs that your mental health is suffering. 
Physical symptoms can include frequent headaches, feeling fatigued and sluggish, an upset stomach, or a crabby attitude when you're normally chipper and happy.
Persistent changes to eating habits could include binge-eating or experiencing a lack of appetite altogether.  
Changes to sleeping habits could mean difficulty sleeping or achieving a restful sleep or finding it impossible to fall asleep. 
If you feel like you're no longer functioning optimally and your mood is affecting your enjoyment of life, then it might be time to make some changes.
Here are 5 tiny but mighty ways to start feeling better right now and increasing that bliss factor in your life: 

1. Physical Health Matters

Sounds so simple right?  But it's imperative that we take it back down to basics when we start to feel like it's getting to be too much. 
Ensure that you're Getting Enough Sleep - and check that you have a healthy 'Sleepy Time Routine' too: 
  • Come off screens at least an hour before bedtime and allow yourself a chance to wind down.
  • Dim the lights
  • Make your bed as comfy as possible
  • Adjust the temperature
  • Journal or write down what you'll do tomorrow (to get it off your mind)
  • Read
  • Meditate
  • Practice some deep breathing  
Ensure you're getting enough physical activity.  Pick a few things that you enjoy doing and aim for an hour of movement each day. 
When it comes to fueling your body, choose nutritious, whole foods in their most natural state as often as possible and avoid the extremes of 'starving' and stuffed' to keep your body's systems functioning optimally.  Aim to eat six times throughout the day. 
And don't forget to hydrate.  Your body will thank you!
When you're sleeping well, you're more likely to feel energized throughout the day.  When you're exercising regularly, you'll sleep more soundly, feel calmer and more alert during the day.  When you're eating well, your blood sugar will be more stable. 
All of this together results in feeling less stressed, fatigued, and moody during your waking hours. 

2. Dash The Unproductive Worry 

Know how to put the brakes on worries that you have zero control over. Rather than endlessly spinning your worry wheels, find a way to take action to alleviate what's on your mind.
If taking action isn't possible, give yourself permission to take a blissful mini-vacation from what's bothering you by immersing yourself in a soul-nourishing activity that lights you up.  

3. Stock Your Stress Management Toolkit

When it comes to managing stress, there's no 'One-Size-Fits-All' approach to it.  Having a good handle on how to manage your time helps reduce anxiety and adds calmness to your life.  So will knowing which stress management strategies work best for you.   
Take a mental health break every day and experiment with different types of self-care practices:
  • Relaxation Breathing
  • Visualization
  • Journaling
  • Mindfulness Meditation
  • Gratitude
  • Yoga or Stretching
  • Nature bathing
Whatever it is you like to do, add it right into your schedule every day so that you're prioritizing your self-care and your mental health.

4. Treat Yourself With Self-Compassion

When you're treating yourself with self-compassion and kindness, you're treating yourself as you would your best friend or a beloved family member who's going through some challenging times. 
Extending compassion to yourself:
  • Take the pressure off yourself to do too much in a day
  • Be gentle with the demands and expectations you put on yourself
  • Give yourself a break to do what you enjoy
  • Recognize that it's OK just to rest
Taking time to rejuvenate is a powerful, science-based strategy for quieting your inner critical voice that likes to lay blame and shame.  
That Nasty Gremlin (yes, I have one too - sounds just like my Mom) only serves to fuel anxiety and depression. 

5. Ask For Support

If you're finding it difficult to cope or if you're having trouble focusing throughout the day, recognize that you're human and reach out to someone close to you.  We're community beings and connection with others staves off depression and anxiety. 

You are not alone.  If you're finding things really tough, don't hesitate to seek support from a mental health professional.  

You deserve to feel happy in this life.  

A Gift For You

I'd love to hear from YOU. 

  • Which strategies do you already use?
  • Which will you try?
  • Would you like a Free Resource to help set up your self-care plan?
Leave your comments below.
Share your thoughts and tips.  

Let me know if you'd like my self-care guide.  It's FREE and I'm happy to send a copy to you.

 About the Author:
Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, and Curator of Gold Key Club ~ a private community for Ladypreneurs, Supermoms, and Sisters making a difference in the world.

For more information about her services and programs, visit or contact her via e-mail: