Friday, April 30, 2021

How to Spring Clean Your Life & Instantly Add More Bliss


Ah, Spring! How I love the promises you bring: Refreshment, Rejuvenation, Renewal & Rebirth... and those gorgeous blooms of colour that deliver hope and happiness. 
Spring is officially here and with it, new energy and renewed hope, longer days, and more sunshine to brighten up our lives - and our moods. 
This is the perfect time to refocus and take a fresh outlook on our lives and I do this exercise every spring to 'clear out the cobwebs' and move forward with purpose and intention.
Use the questions below as an exercise to find some added inspiration, motivation, and clarity to create YOUR Masterpiece Life - the life you love. 
  • Take as long as you need.
  • Answer all of them or pick the ones that interest you most. 
Consider them while you're on your treadmill or taking a walk in the sun.  Enjoy them with a coffee or tea and your journal, discuss them with your friends, or book club at your weekly Zoom meeting. 

1. What does 'Spring Clean Your Life' mean to you?

What would you're life look like in every area if it was 'cleaned up' a bit? 
Set aside some time to journal or make a list in your notebook. Create a vision for what your life would look like if all the clutter and excess were removed from it.  
Consider each area of your life:
  1. Your relationships
  2. Your profession or business
  3. Your health-care & self-care routines
  4. Your home life
Consider how you'll feel if you streamlined your processes and managed your time to support your goals and your primary values.  
Consider what you REALLY want for yourself and to create in your future. 
Write about that in your journal or notebook.

2. What needs Spring Cleaning?

This could be physical - maybe you need to make wiser food choices, hydrate more each day, improve your sleep or physical exercise routines.  
This could be emotional - maybe your relationships aren't as healthy as they could be.  Maybe you need to add in some daily self-care to help you find more balance, connect with your heart or nourish your soul.
This could be mental - Maybe you need to get your finances in order.  Maybe you could revisit your goals, have a look at what's been working, what isn't and what needs to adjust moving forward. 
This could be intellectual - Maybe you need to spend more time learning new things or developing your unique talents and strengths. 

3. What cobwebs can you sweep away?

To really appreciate the beauty in your life consider: 
  • What's cluttering your space?
  • What's cluttering your mind?
  • What are your time-suckers?
  • Where can you 'freshen up' your attitude?
  • Are there people in your life you're better off parting ways with?
  • Are there things in your life you're better off parting ways with?
  • Are there things you can clear out to make more space for positivity or for what makes you happy?

4. What can you let go of?

Make a list of what's no longer serving your purposes and goals. 

  • Where does life feel heavy?
  • What would lighten that weight - on your shoulders, on your mind?
  • What can you DO to find relief?
  • How can you release that weight? 
To find relief, perhaps you could write an e-mail, forgive, accept, let go of a no-longer-relevant goal or release an unhealthy relationship. 
Maybe you can take up a new activity, create a new habit or goal that will add happiness to your life. 

5. What will you begin?

Make a list of all the things you'd like to do.  Get really specific with it.

There's something exciting about beginning something new. 

What do you need? Would makes your heart sing?  What have you always wanted to do but have put off? How can you do more of that?

Now's the perfect time to develop that talent or take up a new hobby. 

Some other ideas:  start a garden, write a book, take up blogging or start a journaling practice, learn to cook, commit to a daily workout routine or start a daily self-care practice, do some online art courses, learn an instrument or a language, spend time learning a new skill. 

6. What are your energy-zappers?

Spring is a great time to evaluate your energy levels.  What are you tolerating?  Make a list of what sucks the life force out of you.  

Examples could include unresolved conflicts, cluttered or messy spaces, plants that are no longer thriving, relationships that are no longer thriving, unfinished projects, unmade decisions, limiting beliefs, lack of focus or clarity, unrealistic expectations.

These little thiefs are great items to remove from your life.

Consciously make a plan to eliminate, reduce, delegate or even pay someone to help you check off all the items on this list.  You'll immediately feel lighter and freer.  

7. What do you need to Just Get Done?

Undone projects.  Half-baked plans.  Storage areas that are packed with everything we meant to finish but didn't.  The things we left unfinished actually eat away at us. 

What are you procrastinating over?  Make a list of THOSE items.

Next, make some time in your schedule each month, or solicit some assistance of get your family onboard, pay someone to help if you must, but actually finish one of those things.  

Make it a goal to get one of those things completed each month until your list if done.

You'll feel so much better when you Just Do It!

8. What 1 new habit would put a spring in your step?

Make a list, ponder or journal about your ideas in this area: 

  • What excites you? 
  • What will support your physical, mental or soulful health?
  • Do you need a new morning routine or evening routine that includes some regular self-care?
  • How's your health-care plan?  
  • Do you get some movement in each day?
  • Are you eating well?
  • Sleeping enough?
  • Doing things that light you up and nourish your soul?

What excites you or offers relief?  What will make you feel fantastic? 

Once you have your list, choose 1 thing (with multiple benefits, if possible) but do it daily.  And remember:

Aim for Progress, Not Perfection

Take the pressure off yourself. If you forget, that's totally fine.  Just start fresh the next day and try your best.  Your best effort is good enough.

9. What are your Top 3 Spring Goals?

We can't spring forward without a direction.  Set some targets for yourself.  You can't hit them unless you set them, so consider where you want to be in 3 months time.  
  • What do you want to be the same? 
  • What do you want to be different? 
  • What do you want more of?
  • What do you want to see less of?
Identify some fresh ideas and goals for this beautiful season.

Write them down.  Did you know that you're so much more likely to achieve success if you write your goals down? 

Now it's your turn…

If you're feeling up to it, I'd love to hear from YOU. 
  • Which strategy will you commit to? 
  • Which do you already practice?
  • Which resonates with you the most and why?  
  • Which one will you DO today?
Leave your comments below and share your thoughts. 
If you'd like some help setting up a Stepping Stone Plan to achieve your next 3 spring goals, I'd be delighted to chat.
Contact me to schedule a FREE 'Your Masterpiece Life' Clarity Consultation.
By the end of it, you'll have a clear and customized Action Guide to help you achieve your goals and some resources to help you achieve them.

 About the Author:
Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, and Curator of Gold Key Club ~ a private community for Ladypreneurs, Supermoms, and Sisters making a difference in the world.

For more information about her services and programs, visit or contact her via e-mail: