Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Challenge Yourself to Choose JOY Today ~ & Then Share Some

Challenge Yourself to Choose JOY Today

Today, more than ever, we're yearning for what we don't have right now: the freedom to enjoy the wide range of life experiences we're missing.  The fun times with family and friends, the happy situations, the things that make us feel comfortable and 'normal.'  
Our daily reality is quite different from what we're used to.  
Life normally gives us an array of experiences that evoke feelings ranging from sadness and regret to pride and love, to anger and loneliness, happiness, and excitement.  These feelings are all part of being a living, breathing human being.
So what can we DO when life isn't fair? 

Choose JOY Instead

We can revolt against the injustice, the upset, adversity, and devasting loss - and contribute to the negativity all around us.
Or we can embrace every experience, Every Joyful Moment that life gives us - the blissful ones along with the painful ones.  And everything in between.  
It's unrealistic to expect that every day will be a joyful, comfortable experience. Life is full-featured and that comes with the whole gamut of emotions - pain and loss included. 

How to FIND the Joyful Moments & CELEBRATE Them

Every morning, take a few moments to recognize all you have to be grateful for.
Do it just before going to bed as well.
Keep a daily gratitude journal or have a conversation with yourself in the mirror, on your errands, whatever works best for you.  

The point is to begin to recognize the positives.  
  1. Practice sincere gratitude - no matter how challenging or difficult things seem, there's always something to be grateful for.
  2. Accept life as it is - embrace the good, the bad, and the ugly.
  3. Accept yourself. You are unique and divinely made.
  4. Accept others as they are. They are unique and miracles too.
  5. Adjust your expectations: Hope for the best, but don't expect it best to happen every time.  Life is imperfect. People are imperfect.  Disappointments are part of it.
  6. Forgive.  For yourself - to be able to move forward.
  7. Find creative ways to share JOY and Love
It's worth it to find that joy - and to focus on it. What we focus on grows and expands. 

Here's the next step: 

Share Joy & Love

Everyone around you is experiencing sadness, frustration, and maybe even depression right now, so, what can YOU do?  
Here are some ways you can share the joy and drop a little sunshine into someone's life - and personally make a difference for them:
  1. Send a positive, complimentary text
  2. Call or connect virtually
  3. Send a card - snail mail lives AND an unexpected mailbox gift brightens the day of the recipient
  4. Post positivity ONLY on your social feeds
  5. Compliment people - genuinely
  6. If you're online, and they are too, like/comment/share their stuff
  7. Show up - even if it's virtually
  8. Hug your family and tell them you love them
  9. Leave nothing unsaid with those you love
  10. Forgive, Reconnect, Mend those fences, and let bygones be bygones - it's truly freeing and uplifting. 
When everything happening around us is disheartening and disappointing - look closer - and closer to home.

Focus on where you can make a positive difference. 
I may not be able to change the whole world (today, anyway) but I can make a positive difference for at least one person, or for the few in my circle. 
Today, go home and hug your spouse.
Connect in a meaningful way with each of your children.
Call up your parents, best friend, long- lost roommate from school, and let them know you're thinking of them and that they're meaningful to you.

Reach out and share your positivity and joy with others and drop a little sunshine in.
You can make a difference.  Life is awesome.  We are blessed.

Now it's your turn…

If you're up to it, I'd love to hear from YOU. 
Which action mentioned above resonates with you the most and why?  Which will you DO today?
Leave your comments below and share your thoughts. 

About the Author:
Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, and the Curator of Gold Key Club ~ a private community for Ladypreneurs, Supermoms, and Sisters making a difference in the world.
For more information about her programs and services, visit