Thursday, September 20, 2018

Book Review: Manage Money Like A Boss by The Financial Lifeguard, Christine Luken

I was fortunate to receive a pre-publication copy of this book in exchange
for my honest review. The opinions expressed are genuinely my own.

Are you running a business of your own?

Love it or despise it, Money is your partner.  Without it flowing in and out of your business, you don't really have one to run.  

When it comes to managing money, there's always room for improvement.  

Can you find a business owner out there who complains that they're just making too much profit?  
Christine Luken
A Certified Financial Coach, sought-after speaker and author of Money is Emotional:  Prevent Your Heart from Hijacking Your Wallet, Christine is The Financial Lifeguard and understands how our relationship with money can make or break our success in business, and in life.

Following Christine's blog is like having your very own personal financial advisor in your back pocket.  Christine clearly does care about the financial dignity of her readers.  

Several months ago, I reached out to Christine with the intention of getting to know her a little better.  I also wanted to express how much I appreciated her expertise and the value she gives us.  

That connection led to so much more than I could have imagined.  

I was invited to be part of Christine's pre-launch reading group for Manage Money Like a Boss ~ for which I am truly grateful.  I have so much respect for Christine and appreciation for her writing, I was thrilled to be among the first to read Christine's new book.  ABSOLUTELY!

Not Another Finance Guide

So of COURSE, there's a zillion "How To" books out there on just about every finance~related topic and sub~topic you could possibly think of, but here's why I absolutely LOVE Christine's book ~ and what sets it apart from all the other volumes:  Manage Money Like a Boss is specifically written for YOU ~ the Creative Entrepreneur.  

If you're running a business of your own, you are a busy person.  

You're juggling a whole whack of elements from marketing and online promotion to sales, product and program development, enrollment and client service, accounts, employees and contractors...not to mention the kids, the house, the bills... Who on earth has time to read an entire book? Right?

Manage Money Like a Boss is divided into abbreviated chapters, each chock-full of useful information, nuts and bolts, about how to thicken your revenue streams, keep more of your profits and have greater success with your business.  

And this part is awesome too:  At the end of each chapter you'll find simple actionable steps ~ so you can implement your newfound knowledge and make your time investment count while improving your bottom line.  

Christine knows how to Celebrate A Book Launch:  

Enter her Launch Week Giveaway. You can even download the first three chapters of the book for a sneak peek just to be sure this is the right book for you. 

Everyone gets one free entry for the prize: 1 lucky winner will win a $25 Gift Card PLUS a personalized coaching session with Christine where she'll give you specific strategies for applying the principles outlined in the book to YOUR particular business (a $347 value). 

Pick up your copy of Manage Money Like a Boss: A Financial Guide for Creative Entrepreneurs (before SEPTEMBER 25TH) and receive an additional 35 entries for the grand prize draw!! 

How awesome is that?? 

Don't Just Take My Word For It

Here's what other people are already saying about Manage Money Like a Boss:   
Christine knows how to break things down so they're easy to understand and so you won't get overwhelmed. She has a gift for understanding and explaining things. I love her new book! Being a business owner, I feel like Christine has become an asset to my life. She has helped me overcome my anxiety when dealing with money and my business. ~ Nichole Bays 
In Manage Money Like a Boss, Christine has not only dissolved the anxiety and frustration surrounding finances for creative entrepreneurs, she's given us an outlook and tools that are uniquely empowering because of the way we're wired.  She's transformed our sensitivities into magnificent assets. ~ Ashley Peacock, Music Producer and Owner of Soul Foundry      

Manage Money Like a Boss will profound shift the way you think about money and entrepreneurship.  Christine lays out a simple strategy for creative entrepreneurs to succeed financial in business. ~ Barbary Huson, Bestselling Author of Sacred Success: A Course in Financial Miracles
Connect with Christine Luken on Facebook or Visit her Website for more information about how she shares her unique gifts with all of us.

Written by:  
Andrea Raco, Certified Professional Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, Curator of Gold Key Club and Coach for Life Connections ~ Supporting entrepreneurs committed to excellence in service. 

Friday, September 7, 2018

How To Win Your 100~Day Dash!

Annnnnd We're Back!
Back in the saddle, back to routines, and back to reality!
Now that the Big Yellow Bus stops each morning and we've officially bid the summer holidays farewell, it's time to get busy once again.  
With the kids back to school, we can reclaim that time to follow our missions, align our actions with our purpose and shift our focus once again to winning those goals and objectives set way back in January. 
I LOVE this time of the year.  
I feel rejuvenated and ready to dive in again. 
Do you feel the creative energy? 
The inspiration to make things happen and get things done?
Deep breath in......Exhale.


There are approximately 100 business days between the start of the school year and Christmastime holidays – when we all tend to take another breather. According to Blair Ennes, the Tuesday following Labour Day is when the 100-Day Sprint begins.  
With just 100 days to get some momentum going again, it’s time to re-evaluate our goals and intentions set out at the beginning of the year, refocus on the projects we’ve strayed from during the summer heat, and really make this final quarter (statistically, the most productive one of the year) count. 
To finish splendidly.

Jump Start the 100-Day Dash Gate:

1.  Follow-UP!  
Revisit emails and conversations that began but didn’t finish up.
Is there a way to re-engage? 
Can the conversation move forward to lead to either enrolling a new client or customer OR have they decided to go in a different direction? 
Don’t wait.  
Send an e-mail and get that conversation in motion – even if it’s just to ‘Close the Loop’ as Blair recommends.  
Follow his simple ‘Magic Email’ strategy to make excellent use of those days.
2.  Reach OUT! 
START a conversation with someone you want to partner with, collaborate, align with, or work together with in some capacity.
It’s simple to get swept up in everything that needs to get done and it’s really easy to fall into the social media ‘trap’ where half a day disappears so why not turn that ‘connectivity’ into something truly useful? 
Here’s How:
  • When you come across a connection that you know will be a good fit for you in some way,   reach out. Initiate a conversation by asking questions.
  • Offer to schedule an actual phone or video call where you can get to know each other and see how you can support one another. 
  • Develop those relationships.  They may never become clients or customers, but associating with awesome people we can learn from and grow with has many benefits – personally and professionally.

3.  Schedule IT!  
Community building is a significant part of my daily routine and I follow a 2 step process.  
  1. The first, 45 minutes of each day are dedicated to extending and expanding my own community and connections.  
  2. Another 45 minutes is dedicated to supporting existing community members in some way.
This step alone has been the most rewarding one for me over the past three quarters and I’m looking forward to expanding on it as we head into the final one.  I’ve very excited about what lies ahead.
Final thoughts as we dash to the finish of the year: 
  •         Re-evaluate your goals
  •         Adjust your plans
  •         Find daily habits that work for you
  •         Repeat the process
  •     Take inspired action every day
  •         Hit your targets  
I wish you success in your dash and would love to hear from you. 
  1. What strategies are you using to follow through with your intentions for the year? 
  2. What has worked well for you so far?
I'd be delighted if you'd leave a comment below OR if you'd like some help setting up your quarter to finish the year off strong and hit those goals, let's have a chat about it. 
Contact me directly at

About the Author

Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, and Creator of  'Your Masterpiece Life' ~ a program designed to help solution-minded women build the life they love. 
She's also the curator of Gold Key Club ~ a private community for women on a mission to make a difference in the world with their unique talents and gifts.

A Gift For You

Contact Andrea privately to schedule a 'Your Masterpiece Life' Free Focus Session.  On the call, you'll explore what you'd like to create next in your life and you'll come away with some tools and resources and a customized action plan to help you along the way.