Friday, June 30, 2017

Why You Should Be A Canada Proud Canadian Too - Or Happy We're Your Neighbour.

Happy Birthday to YOU, Canada  

Have I told you how much I love my country? 

July 1st marks Canada's Birthday and to honour the birth of our nation,  here are just a few reasons why I feel fortunate to be Canadian.

And if you're not Canadian too, do not despair... here's why it's great to have Canadian friends and neighbours or why you should add us to your 'Must See' list sometime soon.


Canada is the second-largest country in area and has more than 36 million people but we also enjoy the world's fourth-lowest population density per square kilometer.

There are plenty of wide-open spaces and breathtaking views to behold.

We share the world's longest undefended border with our neighbours to the south, stretching an astounding 5,525 miles.

Wildlife and Natural Resources

There are approximately 2.4 million caribou sharing forests covering 30% of the country.

More than 15,000 polar bears find sanctuary within the Canadian border.

Water, Water Everywhere - and plenty to drink!

20% of the world's freshwater can be found in Canada and there are more lakes in our country than the rest of the world combined, not to mention one of the most impressive natural wonders of the world.

Lake Huron's Manitoulin Island is the world's largest island surrounded by freshwater.

Wasaga Beach is the longest freshwater beach in the world.

  • The telephone
  • AM Radio
  • Walkie-talkie
  • Plastic garbage bags
  • Peanut butter
  • Poutine (Heaven on a plate!)
  • Nanaimo Bars
  • Ginger Ale
  • Coffee Crisp
  • Crispy Crunch
  • Alkaline batteries
  • The snowmobile
  • The snowblower
  • 5-Pin bowling
  • Hockey
  • Basketball


Incorporated in 1670, The Hudson's Bay Company is the oldest commercial corporation in North America and one of the oldest in the world.  

The Bank of Canada began as a privately-owned institution in 1935 and the Royal Canadian Mint, located in Winnipeg, produces coins for 60 different countries.

Canada is the third-largest producer of diamonds in the world and 77% of the world's maple syrup is produced right here in our country.

Canada has a world-class submarine fleet that is used solely for tourism. Atlantis Submarines of Vancouver, BC owns more submarines than many countries have in their entire naval fleet.

Whitewater West  Industries in Kelowna makes most of the world's water slides and is the largest water park attraction company in the world.

The majority of Halls cough lozenges are produced in Scarborough, Ontario.

McCain Foods makes a third of the world's frozen French fries and 95% of the world's green lentils are exported from Saskatchewan.

We can't forget our National Icon, Tim Hortons.  

Founded in Hamilton, Ontario in 1964 by the Canadian hockey player, Tim Horton, this coffee shop has grown to become the largest quick-serve franchise and is known around the world for its coffee and donuts. 

Boasting a total of 4,846 restaurants, today Tim Hortons happily serves loyal customers in 14 countries.  

Canadian maple wood baseball bats are a Major League favourite.

Toronto, Ontario-based Cervelo builds the world's fastest and lightest bikes and New Brunswick-based Sabian produces the world's very best cymbals which are distributed to 120 countries and are the percussion accessory of choice for drummers and band members worldwide.

Peterborough, Ontario is home to the impressive Lift Lock 21, one of 44 locks connecting the 386 kilometers (240 miles) long Trent-Severn waterway from the south-eastern point on the Bay of Quinte on eastern Lake Ontario to Georgian Bay and Lake Huron.

This engineering marvel allows boaters to enjoy pristine waters, breathtaking views, and life at a slower pace.  And who can tire of view s like this one: 

This award-winning shot was taken off the back deck approaching the beautiful anchorage at Beckwith Island, Georgian Bay.

As impressive as our country's landscape is and as innovative as Canadians are, I believe Canada's very best feature is and always has been our people.

Canadians are world-renowned as Peace-Keepers and respected for our kindness, compassion, and politeness and THAT RIGHT THERE makes me one Canada Proud Canadian.

Oh, Canada.  I love to travel, but I'm always so grateful to come home to you.  Happy Birthday to you - our home and native land.

Now it's your turn:
  1. If you're Canadian, what do you love about our country?  
  2. If you call a different country home, what do you love about it? 
We'd love to learn more about where you live.
About the Author: 

Andrea Raco, CPC, Founder of Coach for Life, Curator of Gold Key Club & the Coach For Life Connections Community, is passionate about helping women design and build the life and business they love.

Contact her for your Free Masterpiece Life Strategy Chat today.  

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

3 Toxic Mistakes to Avoid as the Leader of Your Business or Network Marketing Organization

Leadership blunders can make or break the success of your organization.

Whether you're leading a business or a household you set the tone and the standards.

You create the environment.

The way you talk to others, behave, respond to challenges, solve problems, treat your customers, clients, colleagues, and associates set the example. Everyone else follows the leader.

Avoid these 3 toxic practices and you’ll be Golden.

1. Criticism

There’s no such thing as constructive criticism. Choose to avoid being critical.
Think back to the last time you were criticized. Did you enjoy it? How did it make you feel?

No one likes to be criticized. Criticism destroys confidence and the self-image of the recipient. It makes them resentful, defensive and demeans them.

Mistakes happen. 

When they do, rather than lay blame, point fingers and try to pin the error on the culprit, focus instead on finding a solution.

Excellent leaders remain unruffled in a tense or challenging situation.

2. Condemnation 

I still hear mom scolding me: ‘If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.'

The lesson doesn’t stop being relevant once we graduate kindergarten.

Avoid condemning, or speaking badly about others behind their back.

Somehow, someway, the person we talk negatively about finds out and the positive environment you’ve created doesn’t stand a chance.

Instead, find solutions.

  • Commit to excellence in service
  • Create superior quality products
  • Find ways to sell them ethically and more effectively ~ a far wiser investment of your time and energy

3. Complaining

Isn't it funny how complainers are always looking for something to complain about?

Usually, negative ninnies band together and the gossip mill can get out of control.

Complainers feel inferior, powerless, victimized, inadequate, angry and resentful ~ why do you think they keep complaining about everything?

Leaders won't allow complaining to continue and risk poisoning the environment or the organization, or the household for that matter.

Instead, take active measures to solve the problem.

  • Open a dialogue with those who are angry
  • Invite ideas
  • Brainstorm solutions
  • Recognize positivity where possible
Avoid complaining at all costs

One of the very best leadership strategies you can use to create a culture of empowerment and positivity is to make a concerted effort to build self-esteem, self-respect, and self-confidence in your team members.  Here's how:

  • Smile more ~ you'll be more approachable
  • Choose to have a positive attitude
  • Compliment your team at every opportunity
  • Recognize the behaviour and results you want
  • Reward achievement, progress, and excellence

Until next time, make every second count.

Andrea Raco,
Your Personal Success Coach, for Life.

Now it’s your turn.

What qualities do you feel are most important is an effective team leader and why?

Please leave your comments below.

If you'd like to do some focus work on how to build an awesome team or network marketing business, contact me directly.  I have a library of assessments, tools, and processes that we can use to systemize your business and save you time and money.
Better yet, why not schedule a Complimentary  'Dare to WIN at Network Marketing' Strategy Session with me?

By the end of the call, you'll be more focused, have an action plan and a free resource to help you achieve your goals for Ultimate Success.

Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, Creator of 'Your Masterpiece Life' ~ a program designed to help you build the life you love, curator of Gold Key Club and Coach For Life Connections, Wife, Mom of 4, Breast Cancer Survivor and lover of LIFE. 

For inspiration to design and create Your Masterpiece Life contact

Monday, April 24, 2017

3 Helpful Keys to Creating More Time and More Joy In Your Life

Who ACTUALLY has enough time in their day? If I were standing on a stage facing an audience of 30,000, I likely wouldn't see many hands waving.

Since we all have the same number of minutes and hours, how is it that some get a zillion things done, while others have a challenging time ticking off just one or two items on their 'To Do' List? 

If you're one of those people who fall into category B - where there's never enough time in a day.  Truth be told though - you actually don't have a 'lack of time' issue, what you have is a time management issue and I have some solutions to help.

Try these specific strategies to get the absolute most from every precious moment.

Key #1:  Release the Notion of Time Scarcity - Have Laser Focus Instead

Everyone wants the secret to creating a balanced life.  

So many of us buy into the belief that there's just not enough time in a day. And we use that lie as a way to defend ourselves from obligations.   

Here's an important question to consider:  
How often do you respond to a request for your time from your kids, your partner, your teammates, or even silently to yourself with the following:  
  • I don't have enough time.
  • I can't possibly squeeze that in today.
  • I just don't have enough hours in a day.
Here's the truth:  We all have the same number of hours in a day.  The difference is how we choose to spend those hours and minutes.  

Stop using 'Time' as an excuse. It's actually a completely invalid one because we always make the time for the things we consider imperative.   

Let’s be completely honest:  If it’s not getting done, it’s because we really haven’t made it a priority or we simply don’t want to do it.  Understanding those two possibilities will eliminate the time excuse.  What we prioritize, we make time for. 

Instead of saying “I don’t have enough time,” consider that there's an abundance of time.  

Believing that you have enough time will dissipate your feelings of frustration and 'lack'.  

Rather than thinking of all that has to be done, think of the one thing that you can do RIGHT NOW – and do it with laser focus.  

No matter how many things you have to do, whether it is three more or three hundred more, there’s really is only one thing that you can do right now.  If you can do that, it can help you to be much more present...and effective.

Pick one thing.  Work on THAT.

Key #2: Cushion Your Timelines with Planning

By giving yourself a buffer zone and scheduling in more time to get projects done than you think you'll need, you'll immediately reduce your anxiety level

Projects, errands, tasks, meetings, appointments, travel time – pretty much everything tends to take a little longer, sometimes even significantly longer, than we anticipate.  By factoring in a buffer to absorb those unpredictable amounts of time, we immediately relieve the pressure.

Here’s how to achieve this:  
  • If the meeting starts at 9:00 am, aim to be there for 8:45
  • If you think you know how much travel time you'll need to get to an appointment, add in an extra 20 minutes for good measure
  • If you arrive early, just use those minutes wisely - plan the rest of your afternoon, organize your schedule, manage your e-mail, review your notes, perfect your speech, walk the stairs for some added exercise, meditate for clarity or relaxation
The point is, you’re there – calm, cool, collected and in control as opposed to flustered, stressed out, full of anxiety, and little good to anyone – including yourself.

Key #3:  Conquer Time-Suckers with Mindset

We all want more time and more freedom to be able to do the things that we want to do when we want to do them.   What’s the first thing we do when we get a little bored?  Whenever we have free time, we kill it by grabbing the cell, jumping onto our social media feeds, or flicking on the news for our daily dose of negativity.  

The next time you’ve got a few minutes, try one of these options instead: 
  • Breathe deeply, meditate, visualize
  • Take a look outside and notice the stunning beauty all around you
  • Talk to your kids. Teach them something useful, a skill that'll server them in their independent future
  • Take a walk or bike ride through the park
  • Go fishing or watch the birds
  • Research something that interests you
  • Plan your next vacation
  • Set your sights on some incredible goal you've dreamt of as a child and plan your action steps to achieve it

Whatever it is…be present in the moment and take some time to be grateful.  

Appreciate the beauty that your incredible life really is. 

When you shift from a place of stress to a place of gratitude, you’ll be amazed at the incredible things that happen and how much more you'll love your life.
About the Author:
Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, and Curator of Gold Key Club ~ a private community for Ladypreneurs, Supermoms, and Sisters making a difference in the world.
For more information about her programs and services, visit

Would you like something a little more focused and personal?  I'd be delighted to chat.  

Contact me directly to schedule your FREE 'Slay Your Time Dragon' Strategy Session.  Together, we'll design a customized Daily/Weekly/Monthly planner that will fit all your 'big rocks' in and even create more time for you health care and self-care.