Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Time = The True Currency of Life

Would all of your troubles disappear if only you had more money? 

Maybe you focus on optimizing your health.  After all, if we don't have our health, what do we have?  

What about enough love?  Of course, feeling loved and appreciated is vital. If we don’t feel love in our life, something significant is certainly missing.  

Where does faith, or your beliefs and values, rank in your list of priorities?  

The truth of the matter is that each of these elements is critically important for us to feel fulfilled and satisfied with our lives. 

Faced with the possibility of running out of it a while back, I came to understand TIME as the most important element - our most valuable commodity. 

Time is the canvas upon which our entire
masterpiece of life is painted.

We all battle time.  We strive to get just a little bit more of it and aim to manage it more efficiently.

Without having enough time we feel harried, hurried, stressed, and flustered.

If you'd like to elevate the quality of your life, here are a few proven strategies to help you make the most of your time.

1.  Do What You Love

Your life is yours to create.  

Each day, you make choices about how to spend your time. We do our best work when we're centered, focused, and when we feel connected and supported.

You can design your life so that, for the most part, you’re doing things you enjoy.  Choose a career or business that ignites your passions and lights you up, and you’ll never “work” another day in your life.  

2.  Associate with Positive People 

What more can you do to make the most of your time?

You can choose to spend time with people who encourage and inspire you.  Dedicate your time to those you love and those you love spending time with.  

When it comes to family and colleagues, you may not always have complete freedom of choice.  You probably don't love spending time with your negative uncle or your nit-picky boss.  

Simply limit the amount of time spent with those who don't lift you up or share your values.

3.  Be Aware.  How are you showing up? 

Stop trying to multitask.

Yes...I said that.  

I'm talking to the moms I see chattering away with the cell in one hand, and juggling groceries, the car keys and the baby carrier in the other while trying to get the van open.  

I'm also talking to the busy business owner mindlessly eating lunch at their desk and reviewing month-end accounts while clearing out the email and making a sales call.  Stop.

Instead, focus on one thing and be present.  
To increase your ability to focus, turn the phone off and step away from the laptop or tablet.  Not all the time, of course, but during specific focus times for 45 to 90 minutes intervals each day.
Practice devoting your time and attention to the actions you’re engaged in or the people you’re engaging with, even when you could easily be focused on the running 'To Do' list.  
When you're at home, focus on your family, making dinner, the household repair, or the task at hand. 

When you're at work, pick one project and focus on completing it.   

Your productivity will soar and you'll be amazed at how much pressure is eased by managing your time this way. 

4. Check Your Attitude

Of course, we all have responsibilities and can't always engage in activities we love.  Every now and then there are things we must do that we don’t absolutely love. 
You can transform the quality of how you feel about those activities by simply adjusting your attitude about them. 
Here are some examples to illustrate:

Who loves to clean toilets?

I absolutely DESPISE cleaning them. (3 boys. 'Nuff said)

Who loves a clean bathroom?

I love a pristine, sparkly loo just like everyone else does. 

Who loves doing laundry?

Laundry ranks with toilet cleaning and pulling weeds on the domestic chore list. 

I do like that my kids wear clean clothes to school every day.  I LOVE the luxurious spring breeze fresh scent of a clean bed, especially after a long, busy day!  

See how you can adjust your mindset so you'll feel good about almost everything that must get done...even if it's something you don't enjoy doing?

You can even become completely present at this moment so that you enjoy reading this post by saying to yourself:  "I'm going to get everything I possibly can from this article and apply it to improve my life." 

By focusing on how you use your time as a resource, all the other areas of your life will be impacted in a positive way. 

Until next time, Make Every Second Count. 

Now, it's your turn...  

If you'd like to do some focus work on time management, I'd love to help.

Schedule a Complimentary 'Slay Your Time Dragon' Strat Chat with me?By the end of the call, you'll be more focused, have an action guide, and a plan to get the absolute most out of every minute so you can design and create the life you love

About the Author: 

Andrea Raco, is a Certified Success and Life Enrichment Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, Creator of 'Your Masterpiece Life' ~ a program designed to help you build the life you love, curator of Gold Key Club and Coach For Life Connections, Wife, Mom of 4, Breast Cancer Survivor and lover of LIFE. 

Contact her today to help you design and create Your Masterpiece Life.