Monday, January 4, 2016

Resolution Realization Action Guide

Resolution Realization Action Guide

I sincerely hope you welcomed 2016 with loved ones, laughs and fitting celebrations. 

It's time for the decorations to come down and be put away for another year. The tree is at the curb and you're geared up for 2016. You've made your resolutions, set your goals and intentions, picked your word for the year...

It's full speed ahead now.

Many of you shared your focus word with me and took advantage of the Resolution Realization session too.  I'm so excited for you and for those results.  I appreciate your confidence and looking forward to working with you as we make those goals a reality this year.

Reflecting and dreamimg big for 2016 is the perfect first step.  Without a 
Plan Of Action and figuring out what you need to do differently this year to make those goals a reality, your big dreams can fall short.

If you're serious about achieving your intentions once you've set them, take a moment to reflect on the past year.
  • What were your top five 'wins' or successes?  List them out. 
  • What are the things you're grateful for?  List those out too.
Next, contemplate what could have improved.    
  • Were there priorities that didn't stay at the top of your list?
  • Were there projects that remained unfinished? 
  • Did any relationships slip away?  
  • What had you hoped to accomplish, but didn't?
Ok... now for the big question...

What are you going to do differently this year to blow the lid off last year?

Follow these simple steps to make 2016 your most successful year yet:

Step 1:  Spend some time thinking about what you want 2016 to look like and maybe even consider these categories:

Finances - Perhaps this is the year you're going to slay that debt-monkey and eliminate your consumer debt.  Maybe it's the year you're going to make a plan to pay off the mortgage, save for your retirement or for that trip you've always wanted to take. 

Business/Career - Is this the year you're going to start a new business or reach a new level of success?  Maybe you'd like to retrain or find a career you absolutely love.

Health - You've had it with yo-yo dieting and you're ready to make a commitment to your health, to lighten up a little and to stop coming home with the ice cream when you went out for the beans.  

Relationships - What can you do to improve them?  Maybe your marriage is already great and that's wonderful, but I'll bet you can think of ways to surprise your partner, to kick up the romance level a notch.  Maybe try something new?  Take a look at how you can make things even better with your partner or your parents, your kids or your best friend.  

Travel & Leisure - Where would you like to go?  What would you like to see?  If time and money weren't an issue...what adventure would plan?

Personal Development - What do you think you need to do to grow and improve on a personal level?  Maybe you'd like to take a course or learn a new language?  Develop a talent or take up a new hobby.  

Whatever has been niggling at the back of your mind or growing inside your heart...write it down.

If you're a visual type, try creating a vision board for your goals.  Take images from magazines that represent the things you want and post them on a board or create a virtual vision board using Pinterest.  However you choose...what's important is to get those goals in front of you somehow, someway.  
Step 2:  Focus On Finances

The more people I work with, the more amazed I am to learn how many don't set financial goals.  If you're running a household, this is a great time to re-evaluate how your household finances are managed.  Do you have a plan for eliminating debt and increasing savings?  Have you built up an emergency fund?  Are you giving away too much of your financial power?  Do you put money aside for travel?

If you're running a business, set some revenue goals - for the month, for each quarter, for the year.  The more specific you are, the better position you'll be in to make a plan to get there.   

Here's a tip from Christian Mickelsen:
"When choosing a revenue goal, pick a number that you can see happening, but one that's a stretch for you - realistic and attainable.  If you're currently making $100,000 in your business and want to break into seven figures this year, maybe set a target of $200,00 (double) can still set an intention to be a millionaire, but aiming for the next target amount makes it more within your control, and not just wishful thinking."   
Step 3:  Determine the Skills You'll Need to Achieve Your Desired Result

What skills do you already have to get you from where you are to where you want to be? What skills do you need to acquire and develop?  What do you need to learn in order to grow and achieve your goals or resolutions?

If you're growing your business, maybe you need to learn how to write magnetic copy, perfect your marketing message or improve your networking skills. You might need to hire an expert for an area of your business that needs expertise and you're just not there yet.
If you're like me and have decided to commit to improved health and fitness this year, I know I need to stop bringing home the ice cream when I go out for the beans, restructure my schedule to be sure to get that workout in and learn some new healthy recips to share with my family.

If it's the dreaded Debt-Monkey you want to slay, maybe you need to learn a few new money tricks....and...deep breath...make friends with the word 'Budget'...there, I said it! Nobody likes that word, but a budget can be a lifesaver.  In fact, it saved me years ago.

Write down all the skills you'll need to develop to achieve your goals or resolutions.

Step 4:  Get Support
Even top level athletes have coaches to help keep them on track to reach their goals. Some of them even work with multiple coaches.  The more support you have, the better your chances of achieving your winning results. Putting that support in place, or seeking out the training you need right now, is a vital component of crushing those resolutions and achieving those goals.
  • Have a quick review of the skills you wrote that you needed to acquire or develop. 
  • Take a moment to think about the kind of support you need this year to help you achieve your goals.  
  • "Figuring it out on your own" may very well lead to just letting those goals go when the going gets tough.  

And it's going to get tough.  Change is always an uphill battle.  Expect that you're going to have to persevere.
Step 5:  Create a "Mini-Plan"

All too often we get caught up in the 'how' to make our goals happen and this can hold us back.  How to achieve them is important, but it's crucial to understand WHY you want to achieve those goals.  Beside each goal on your list, take a line or two to write down why you want to achieve it.

Sometimes, simply focusing on the 'why' can open up new possibilities for 'how' to make them happen.  
Here's an example:  Maybe you'd like to lose weight to enjoy a more active lifestyle and have the energy to chase after your kids.  A goal to lose 100 pounds is a monumental goal.  Instead of looking at the whole kit and caboodle, break that massive goal down into smaller, more manageable ones.  Focusing on the first 10 pounds won't seem so overwhelming.  To get from a 10 pound loss to a 100 pound loss, all you have to do is repeat the process of losing 10 pounds, ten times.  
The same can be said for revenue goals.  If you want to save $12,000 in a year for a trip, break it down into monthly and weekly goals.

Another important question is...what do you need to learn or what skills do you need to develop to accomplish your goals this year?  
Here's tip for creating positive habits to achieve winning results: Break each goal down into measures of time - six months, three months, one month, each week, all the way down to each day.  Do the same thing over and over each day for 21 days and you'll create a new habit.  Change is tough, but it's absolutely possible.  Decide you just won't give up.
With specific goals, this Resolution Realization Action Plan in your hand and all the support you need (psstttt - I coach all this stuff), 

I have no doubt that 2016 will be your most successful year yet.  

Written By:
Andrea Raco, Certified Professional Coach, Founder of Coach for Life, Creator of 'Your Masterpiece Life' ~ a program designed to help you build the life you love, curator of Gold Key Club and Coach For Life Connections, Wife, Mom of 4, Breast Cancer Survivor and lover of LIFE.  

Would you like to have a spotlight shone on your success story?  

I'd love to help you craft and share your story so more people can hear from you.  

Drop me a note: and we'll get started.